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Poems by Scientists - Poems on Science - Books

Monday, 20 April 2009

Scots-Celtic bagpipes and drums _Up-date_mended links and Cultural Shock_Peace in the European Union, Poems Recalled

My last post (today also) led me to check out my original motivation links under Hugh MacDiarmid, the Great Scots Poet and incidentally a Sargent in the Medical Corps of the British Army in the so called Great War, WWI, in which my own wife's family, paid a heavy tribute: A grand uncle, Paul and a cousin Jean, both poilus-soldiers in WWII, lost their lives. Her Grandfather, poilu too, survived the "Chemin des Dames", Verdun and lived to the age of 87 years old with an permanently injured lung-lost and a piece of shrapnel in his thigh, undetected until late into his 80's and too old to operate!

Short recall:

For memory Hugh's poem, a prayer "Beyond Exile" may be found, in english with my translation to french in my post of entitled:

Tribute to Lazare Ponticelli & to those who survived or tried to survive WWI

It inspired my poem in french and english to Jean (and Paul) called "Well Beyond Exile / Bien au-delà de l'exile." in my post of Oh What a "Great War", That Was! of 12 March 2008. Such work may be readily found by using the blog search on the very top left of my blog with the key words "My poems".

In an expanded Hugh MacDiarmid link list to included Scots Anthems, Pipes and Drum, from Lone Pipers to Massed Pipes and Drums from around the World and combined Scots Songs, Music Videos, things I am sure would interest MacDiarmid if he were alive today. To some, the global reach of the Scottish-Celtic Music connection could be a cultural shock in itself. But to my surprise and great pleasure, I learned the The famous bagpipe tune "Highland Cathedral" was written by German musicians Ulrich Roever and Michael Korb.

Global Reach
May Europe and it's EU members states declare
across the Board.
To continue their road in peace, in life-long happiness,
oil and gas spared
Thus pointing the way as only united states still dare?
coal-on-hold or CO2 stored
As commonwealths have before them, still tireless
From need to needless, here lies contented society,
no, not bored,
For to balance need's vicious circle of today's economy,
keeps us on our toes.

Wasteful of energy and resources, wayward
The Natural Resource Company Ltd.

But to illuminate the paths and so evermore
Solar Energy

(en)Lighten the burden of still troubled nations
Is the only true energy course alternative
lecture ended
For only people, peoples and nations, physically and mindfully
body and soul

at peace with themselves can avoid distress
climatic distress.
© JA.

To think this started with a broken link and since corrected:

(The Unofficial Scots Anthem written and sung by Corries has now been corrected, scroll down the menu bar with pleasure)

And a gummed up widget on my Materials Science and Engineering blog sucessfully removed, radical!

Post scriptum: If any broken links or phishing warnings on any of my sites are found please, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Up-dating and refocus via My Blog Log

Of course my main focus is Science, Poems by Scientists, Poems on Science, Technology and Engineering. (As if to remind myself!)

Now thanks to a couple of bloggers I have opened my poetical list via two new link lists_just scroll down the menu bar:

1 Famous Poets and Poems _ All themes.
2. Blogger Poets and Poems.

Older Links list:
3. Peoms by Scientists-Poems on Science.
4. Poet: Hugh Macdiarmid-Best Site yet on BigMac!
(My original source of inspiration, perhaps after Robert Burns, Scotland's National Bard)

My Blog List-Science and Fun

Peoms by Scientists-Poems on Science