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Poems by Scientists - Poems on Science - Books

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

"An Address in poetry to John Updike's famous Poem "Cosmic Gall" - First Response entitled "Not so shy".

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"An Address in poetry to John Updike's famous Poem "Cosmic Gall" - First Response entitled "Not so shy". " cf. (previous post to read John Updikes excellant poem on science: the fundamental physics particle, the neutrino, "Cosmic Gall" -link

By J. Alexander ©

"From underneath the bed—you call It wonderful;
I call it crass."
(""last two lines of Updike's poem- Cosmic Gall cf. previous post)


"From underneath the bed—you call It wonderful;
I call it crass."
Dross or Dirt?
We call this sass!
Pauli nobely avoids theory's downfall!
Named, neutrino, by Fermi to encompass
Weak forces such as mine – a pitfall,
Hardly matter for any pub jackass,
More sober than a two pint quark* brawl,
No strange charm top or bottoms-"up" eyeball.
Peace, shy neutrinos embrace,
Oblivious to man's incessant squall,
For crude detectors they by-pass,
And nature's processes they seem to surpass.
They drench us like Clyde's** "Reinefall,"**
From Peking, Nepal - Newhaven or Madras,
They parade, strut and transpierce Whitehall,
Bathe Glasgow streets and drown Paul Mall,

One second on from creation strasse.
At 1.9 ° K, I cannot imagine some fireball,
Particulate light oscillating flavour's shawl
Requires background noise hyper-firewall.


Peace, shy neutrinos embrace,
Oblivious to man's incessant squall,
For crude detectors they by-pass,
And nature's processes they appear to surpass.
The peaceful shy encyclopedic pal,
Before it's shower no need to bow at all,
From natures con-fusion to heaven-
Hi, I'm just passing through to enthral,
Deil's ilke's, shy neutrinos embarrass.

J. Alexander©

*(quark is Nobel Litterature, James Joyce's quart = 2 pints)
**(Clyde Cowan & F. Reines - a wink or nod at to my SW Scottish birthplace via Two Nobel Prize winners who first detected Neutrinos Clyde L. Cowan & F Reines

NB.1 On Dr. Clyde Lorrain Cowan & his burial place at Arlington Cemetery.

NB. 2 Cowan himself was a Chemist by training

With the help of the Stanford Institute web word generator.
Back-ground. Research: CPS/ chemistry/0311004

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John Updike's famous Poem - "Cosmic Gall" on the discovery of Neutrinos

Cosmic Gall by

John Updike (1963)

was one of the few poems ever mentionned during a

Nobel Lecture.(1995)

Cosmic Gall.

Neutrinos, they are very small.
They have no charge and have no mass
And do not interact at all.
The earth is just a silly ball
To them, through which they simply pass,
Like dustmaids down a drafty hall
Or photons through a sheet of glass.
They snub the most exquisite gas,
Ignore the most substantial wall,
Cold-shoulder steel and sounding brass,
Insult the stallion in his stall,
And, scorning barriers of class,
Infiltrate you and me! Like all
And painless guillotines, they fall
Down through our heads into the grass.
At night, they enter at Nepal
And pierce the lover and his lass
From underneath the bed - you call
It wonderful; I call it crass.

By John Updike (1963).

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