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Poems by Scientists - Poems on Science - Books

Sunday, 2 March 2008

French translation of "Reflections in an Ironworks" by H.Macdiarmid

From the previous log if you managed to reach Footnote 3,
you will see that not all foundry workers and steelmakers
have been deaf to pleas such as that of Big Mac (H. MacDiarmid).
Poem in French, followed by the original in English.

Corrections by language teachers warmly invited.

Des Pensées dans une Fonderie D’Acier.
(Reflections in an Ironworks by H. MacDiarmid Ed. Penguin Vol.1.)

Seriez-vous semblable au métal que vous travaillez,
Serait ce que le fer est entrer dans vos âmes souillées,
Seriez-vous devenu comme l’acier pour votre propre compte ?
Est vous encore seulement de la pâte, par la tyrannie, laminée
Entre ses doigts ! Vous, fabricants de baïonnettes et de fusils
Pour votre propre destruction ! Il n’est pas surprenant que ces
Armes, que vous fabriquez, tournent contre vous, meurtre et meurtri !
Vous, les sots qui équipent vos ennemies par ailleurs sans défense.

Traduit 14/04/2001 par J.A.

The translator worked as chief metallurgist, quality control and assurance manger in order to improve methods & honour outstanding orders subjected to stringent QA. standards, during the early stages of the closure of the special steels & alloy foundry by Imphy SA. at their plant in Imphy, France in 1980. He resigned from this position when the decision not to undertake development was made clear, then took a leading role in the alloy 718 development project, whose results were reported at the Trace elements in superalloys meeting in London 1983, part of which were published in Materials Science & Technology first issue Feb. 1985.

Reflections in an Ironworks by H. MacDiarmid Ed. Penguin Vol.1. P335.
(Ed. Michel Grieve and W.R.Aitken copyright:Christopher Murry Grieve 1978.
Copyright: Valda Grieve 1985.)

Would you resembled the metal you work with,
Would the iron entered into your souls,
Would you become like steel on your own behalf!
You are still only putty that tyranny rolls
Between your fingers! You makers of bayonets and guns
For your own destruction! No wonder that those
Weapons you make turn on you and mangle and murder-
You fools who equip your otherwise helpless foes!

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