To my surprise I discovered, that in the last few days, the present blog had been flagged as Spam! 20 days to sort things out. (luckily for me it was not July or August holiday period) Not the slightest indication of what to look for, certainly not Spam, I truly believed.
Much of this blog is my own poetry on science by a scientist(me) and all my recommendations are heart felt freely given. I try to echo freely, with of course AdSense support for interested viewers, other work of a similar nature.
* Spam. In this forum, we're all responsible for keeping the community spam-free. Spam includes, but is not limited to, any promotional, commercial, or adult content, multiple instances of the same post, posts with URLs unrelated to the question, and the transmission of malware, viruses, or anything that may disrupt service or harm others.
ref. Blogger Help cf below.
On a second look I found that a couple of videos of famous signers had been blocked, one was the unfortunately deceased Jeff Buckley singing Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah". I wonder who gets the free publicity revenue?
The other was a James Blunt video and song, whom I still appreciate. Both of course got a tiny piece of free publicity and of course neither they not nor their producer appear to be in any dire need even in the present crisis. I do know of many of whom one can not say the same thing. I wonder who should apologise to whom. I will say more about my own professional work and patent and copyright treatment in a separate post.
* Violent or bullying behaviour. Don't threaten, harass, or bully other users. This includes using profanity to abuse others. ref Blogger Help. [reminder to the platform owner and robots.]
Indeed my own materials may be copied and put to music. Such is the big wide world and my own meagre protection that I would get no consideration whatsoever. Indeed I would be pleased if some blog readers or copyright trigger happy souls put some music to my own original poems.
I shall up-date a link or two such is the never ending nature of human frailty or the universality of some themes often better spotted by the poetic approach than the logical or legal one perhaps? (repeat under-score, underline emphasis, make material as accessible as possible.)
My recent Google Analytics study shows that 80% of my visitors (all sites) are newcomers and time spent is in line with our zapping society - short visits. Must try and do better, I guess.
* Spam. In this forum, we're all responsible for keeping the community spam-free. Spam includes, but is not limited to, any promotional, commercial, or adult content, multiple instances of the same post?, posts with URLs unrelated to the question, and the transmission of malware, viruses, or anything that may disrupt service or harm others. ref as above.
I identified myself as soon as I read my mail and have since been re-instated. So bye bye Jeff (RIP), Leonard and James so much for web incitation to give your personal tastes favourite signers, songs and what have you. I wish I had not been so up-set and noted the copyright complaint origin. Hope Sue Boyle will get in touch directly . My heart felt good wishes to Sue.
The copyright issue has been well argued by the Scots creator of Napster way back.
(All my time is taken up by my blogging and managing my blog in order to " break even", Some Day, as the song goes. )
My current earnings since last May 2009 with seven blogs stands at 66 euros, I have change today from my US $ account which stands at 95$ and am looking forward to my second payment. We all need to be motivated. I would have changed to local currency earlier if it had been stated at the outset that payment criteria would not alter. Changing from one money to another has never been one of my preoccupations. Earning money certainly has been through-out. Naturally a strong currency is more reassuring especially if your personal project is to globetrot and and "glob-rot? Think about that latter word.
I was retired as of 31 Dec 2008 and am struggling to come to terms with this new status.
Find something worth fighting for?
All Blogger Help Recommendations: comments welcomed. I hope my remarks help all in need.
PS my copyrights!
Blogger Policy on Spam
Blogger Help :
Ground rules for what not to post from Blogger :
* Posts shouldn't contain the following types of materials. If you post these types of content, you or your post may be removed from the group.
* Spam. In this forum, we're all responsible for keeping the community spam-free. Spam includes, but is not limited to, any promotional, commercial, or adult content, multiple instances of the same post, posts with URLs unrelated to the question, and the transmission of malware, viruses, or anything that may disrupt service or harm others.
* Nudity and sexually explicit material. We don't allow nudity or sexually explicit material. We also don't allow content that drives traffic to commercial pornography sites.
* Violent or bullying behavior. Don't threaten, harass, or bully other users. This includes using profanity to abuse others.
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* Copyright. We will respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement. Please flag any copyright material as such by clicking the Report Abuse link and selecting the 'Copyright' option.
Geologists' 100 Must See List (Updated)
Geotripper has started a geology-oriented 100 things meme. Thing's I've
done are in bold. Follow along and keep score for yourself.
1. See an erupting vol...
16 years ago
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